Gazebo plugins enables the simulation of models and sensors, such as drivers, cameras, lidars, etc. Aside from some common tags (ex: updateRate
, visualize
), different plugins have different custom parameters that could be configured.
Lists of available plugins could be found at the official Gazebo Tutorial.
- This is for Gazebo-classic.
- Users of Ubuntu 18.04+ could switch to Gazebo Garden for more advanced functionalities.
General usage
In robot URDF, insert plugin
inside the gazebo
<plugin name="${name_of_plugin}" filename="${file_name_of_plugin}">
... plugin paameters ...
List of common plugins
Differential Drive
- plugin filename:
- suitable for driving 2-wheel robots
- listen to motion command (geometry_msgs/Twist)
: topic name, default to ‘cmd_vel’- could be controlled with teleop mode
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
- publish to transforms for wheel links & odometry, joint states of wheels
- listen to motion command (geometry_msgs/Twist)
Skid Steering Drive
- plugin filename:
- suitable for driving 4-wheel robots
- receive motion command (geometry_msgs/Twist)
: default to ‘cmd_vel’
- publish transforms & joint states of wheels
: set true/false
- receive motion command (geometry_msgs/Twist)
- plugin filename:
- plugin filenmae:
- In order to transform from the ROS coordinate to the camera frame, it is recommended to define additional frame with a
suffix. (refer: REP 103) - The joint between camera_link & camera_optical_link would be configured as
<origin xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0" rpy="-1.57 0.0 -1.57"/>
- example - camera.xacro
- In the gazebo section, the camera’s parameters, including the
clip distance (deciding the shape of the frustrum),noise
, could be configured - The gazebo reference would still be the camera_link, whereas the plugin frameName tag would be the camera_optical_link. ```xml
- In the gazebo section, the camera’s parameters, including the
Depth camera (Microsoft Kinect)
- plugin filename:
- similar to camera, except the sensor
)would be “depth” - publish
: depth imagecamera/image
: RGB imagecamera/depth/points
(sensor_msgs/PointCloud2): the pointcloud that contains the 3d information- The color format need to be reconfigured in order to show correct color, or else the R & B would be messed up
- This can be done by configuring the
) from R8G8B8 to B8G8R8
- plugin filename:
- Project static image (texture) in world.
- The
tag would be the name of the image file.- The image should be put in folder
(see this thread). There also exist a couple of textures.
- The image should be put in folder
- Replace the
tag with<projector>
tag. - The projection would be in +Z direction.
- Projector parameters include
(Other tags seem to have no effect by far…) (<textureTopicName>
not working as well…)
- ros wiki - gazebo_plugins
- official Gazebo Tutorial - Gazebo plugins in ROS
- gazebo plugin source code - Github repo
- example of xacro files with lidar, (depth) camera, projector plugin - My project - mybot (branch “gazebo-sensors”)